Created by Sarah Adam. Got a question? shoot me a DM.

When writing an Influencer brief, you want to make sure you have the right mindset in place: keep things short and to the point. Only include necessary information and always remember that influencers know their followers best so the more creative freedom you give them, the better!

Section #1 - The brand and the product

First of all, educate the influencer on the basics on your brand and the product relevant to this campaign. Make sure to include any links needed for further reading however, do not overwhelm!

Brand Name:

About us/ brand messaging:

Link to brand guidelines and logos:

Product Name:

Product description/messaging:

Relevant links:

Section #2 - The campaign

This is the most important bit. Be very clear as to what the campaign is about, what you want to achieve and all important info for the influencer to then create an outline for your approval. Don’t beat around the bush, be real and clear. Read it once done and ask yourself if it is clear for someone who does not breath the brand or product like you do.

Campaign description:

Value proposition/USP: